July 2024 Newsletter

by Dennis & Mai Spencer | August 13th, 2024


“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

In our last newsletter we asked for prayer for God to provide the funding to purchase 100 new Bibles. Praise God as after 1 week we had received donations of $500 towards the $1,500 needed. Initially, we were not going to order the Bibles until we had all the needed funds. Then, the Holy Spirit reminded us what our Heavenly Father has done in the past He will do again. So, we placed an order for all 100 Bibles. The first shipment arrived here at the church on July 18th. Early the next morning (the 19th here, but the 18th in the US) we received an email we had received a donation on our website. When we checked the donation was from a young American born Vietnamese lady who had recently discovered our ministry website and read our need to order more Bibles. Yes, you guessed it as her donation was for $1,000! The exact amount we still needed. God is so faithful, so loving, so AMAZING! We are always so encouraged, so inspired when God gives us those “winks from heaven” letting us know He is not a far-off God, but He is involved in every aspect of our lives all for His glory!

“The Lord is near to all who call on Him” Psalm 145:18a

We praise our Lord and thank each of you who prayed and donated for these new Bibles. We so appreciate the heart God has given you to help us put His Word in the hands of new believers here in Vietnam. May God bless you abundantly for all you do to further His kingdom.


The Binh Chau marketplace is a very busy and crowded place every morning. Recently we took all 10 of the children living in our orphanage with us to market. This caused quite a stir as many people asked us where all our children came from. We were then able to witness about the church and our orphanage. One lady (Thuy) selling fruit stated she didn’t know about the church and asked many questions. We told her where the church was located and invited her to drop by as we could tell God was working in her heart. Thuy said she would definitely come by. We prayed God would keep tugging at her heart and Thuy would actually visit the church. We were excited later that evening after her work day and supper was over, Thuy arrived at the Binh Chau Church. God gave us a time of sweet fellowship and then Mai asked Thuy if she would like to hear more about Jesus.

Thuy quickly said yes and Mai then shared the Gospel with her. Afterwards, Thuy stated she would like to receive Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Mai then led her in prayer.

We thank God for directing us to Thuy at the marketplace and instilling in her a desire to know more about Him. We also used this occasion to witness to our witnessing teams that go out every week (adults on Thursday afternoons, children on Sunday afternoons). Wherever we go God will give us opportunities to witness if we are sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.


Thom, the oldest son of a long-time member of the Binh Chau Church, has also attended from time to time over several years. Thom married Tu and they both attended for a while until they moved away to live with her parents. When they would return to Binh Chau to visit Thom’s mother, they would attend church and bring their 2 boys to our VBS Camps and Christmas Outreaches. About 4 months ago, they moved permanently back to Binh Chau, staying with Thom’s mom. Tu has been faithful in bringing their sons (3 of them now) to Children’s Church and Sunday Worship. Thom attended when he didn’t have to work (in construction). Last month Thom was arrested for allegedly using drugs. He is in jail and won’t have his first court appearance for 4 months. Tu, who is only 20 years old, now has no source of income as she has her hands full just caring for her 3 young sons. We have given Tu a mercy food box that includes 50 pounds of rice. Plus, we gave her some funds to buy milk for her baby. Also, the Binh Chau Church congregation gave a love offering to Tu (picture below). Tu is such a humble young lady and her boys are super sweet. Please join us in lifting Tu and her family before our Heavenly Father.


A few years ago, we started a garden next to our orphanage/love house. However, over time the garden became mostly neglected as Loan our housemother just didn’t have the time to take care of it. We’re told here never to buy the biggest, brightest veggies/fruits at the market as they use a chemical to get them to market faster. Many people get sick from them. So, we decided it was wise to start our garden back up. We gathered the older children in our orphanage and let them know this needs to be a group project, not just a Loan project. They were all onboard to help out. We spent a few days cleaning out the garden completely and getting it ready for new planting.


One of our nieces living in Saigon recently sent us this picture she took in a movie theater in Saigon. What a surprise to us. We were told this was the first time the Jesus movie was allowed to be shown in a public theater in Vietnam. We praise God that He is working in the hearts of the leadership here in Vietnam.


After all their help cleaning up the garden and church property, we treated the children living in our orphanage to a day at a local water park. We found an older resort about 7 miles from Binh Chau that had a wonderful water park. We spent the day there and the kids loved it. They hardly came out of the water, except to eat lunch. We all wore either our yellow or blue VBS shirts to let everyone there know we were from the church.


We start each day with a time of worship and a Bible devotion with our children living in our orphanage/love house.


Please pray God will grant Thom mercy with the court to be released or a lenient sentence so he might return to his family soon. Please pray God will give Thom the strength to stop using drugs if he is doing so. Please comfort his wife Tu while Thom is gone and give her in-laws the heart to help provide for her and her 3 small children.

Please pray for God’s protection on Thuy (from the marketplace) as she faces persecution for asking Jesus into her heart. Please pray God will use Thuy to share His love to other ladies in the Binh Chau market. Please pray God will give Thuy the desire to attend Sunday Worship and learn more about His love for her.

Please pray for Thuong, Khang, and May. These 3 children asked Jesus into their heart during VBS. However, when they told their parents they are now not allowed to come to Children’s Church. Please pray God’s protection on these 3 children and soften the hearts of their parents.

Please pray for God to open the door for us to return to Suoi Bang by providing a home we can worship in (more info in our next newsletter).

Please pray God’s protection on our children in our orphanage as they return to school surrounded by non-believers. May our Lord use them to influence others for Jesus.

In seeking to add 2 more people to the church property deed besides Kim, we met with Pastor Binh (picture top left) and he agreed to be one of them. Please pray God will reveal to us who the 3rd person should be.

We are already making plans for our Christmas Outreaches starting with the congregation. We have asked each one (young and older) to be praying about who they will invite to attend with them. Please pray God will guide them to the right person/family who He is already working in their heart to know more about why we Christians celebrate Christmas.

We will be leaving Vietnam on August 16 to return home. We would appreciate your prayers for safe travel mercies.

“How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you.” 1 Thessalonians 3:9

About This Site

Jesus in Vietnam Ministries, is a compassion ministry founded by Dennis and Mai Spencer. Vietnamese families suffer from deprivation, lacking sometimes even the necessities of life. In obedience to the many Scriptural commands to help the poor they are enabling families to survive in difficult circumstances. When shown mercy these families are very receptive to the Gospel. The Spencer’s also focus on children, who are the future church of Jesus Christ in Vietnam. Watch The Video About Jesus In Vietnam Ministries Here


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