June 2024 Newsletter

by Dennis & Mai Spencer | July 16th, 2024


We praise God as He blessed us with another wonderful VBS Camp. We had 73 children who attended this year with 14 of those from the Montagnard village of Tanh Linh. Plus, Pastor Hai brought 9 youth from his church in Dalat to lead us in worship and help teach a class. Add on the 10 adults who came from Tanh Linh and our group of volunteers from the Binh Chau church, we had around 110-115 people we served. God is so good!

God answered so many of our prayers in bringing all of these precious children to attend, keeping everyone safe from sickness or accidents, filling our days with much joy and laughter, giving us wonderful times of worship, and to hear the truth of God’s Word taught. God even gave us good weather with no rain during the 4 days despite being in the middle of monsoon season here. It rained several days in a row before the start of VBS and then no rain during VBS. After VBS ended around 6 pm on the 4th day, it poured like crazy around 8 pm that evening. It’s like God had the angels hold the rain back until after VBS ended and then said “Let it go.” What an amazing God we serve!

We gave away 11 new bicycles to some very happy children whose names were drawn at random and they then correctly recited the scriptures they were given the first day of VBS to memorize.

As always, the most joyous part of our VBS Camp was when 10 children and 5 adults came forward during our altar call to ask Jesus into their heart as their Lord and Savior.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for your faithful prayers and children sponsorships that allowed us to show and share the love of Jesus with so many this year at our VBS Camp. Take joy in knowing God is using you to impact His precious children’s (young/older) lives for ALL eternity. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!


We originally had 22 children from Tanh Linh signed up to attend VBS. Then we heard a few days before VBS was to start that the local authorities had given some of these families some cows and water buffaloes. So, the children would have to stay home and watch the animals. The enemy is always at work! Not knowing now how many children would come, if any, God put it in our heart to still sent a bus to Tanh Linh. As the bus arrived at the church, we were excited when 24 people (14 children and 10 adults) exited the bus. We had made our plans, but as usual, God had a better plan. Most of the 22 children originally signed up to attend, had attended last year’s VBS. However, most of this new group had never been to the Binh Chau church before.

The first night of VBS after we put all the children to bed, Mai shared the Gospel with the 10 adults who came from Tanh Linh. Praise God as all 10 prayed to ask Jesus into their heart (5 of this group also came forward the next day during our altar call). In addition, Mai also shared the Gospel with another lady from Saigon who was visiting her sister and brother-in-law (members of the Binh Chau church) during VBS. She too prayed to ask Jesus into her heart.

All the Tanh Linh adults attended all our worship times and the ladies were quick to join the Binh Chau church ladies in serving in the kitchen preparing all our delicious meals (3 meals during the day and sandwiches before the kids went to bed).

After VBS was over we gathered all the new believers from Tanh Linh and presented each with a new Bible. We gave them guidance and instructions on how they should read their Bibles as new believers. We were also able to work one on one with those who had additional questions. They were all very excited to have their very own Bible.


As you know, we have been praying for quite some time for God to raise up someone who could solve our water issues here on the church property. Over the years we have dug 4 different wells. Each produces clear water for a while and then we get rust colored water coming from them. We purchased a water filter system, brought it to Vietnam with us last year, and left it with the church to find someone to install it. We recently found it in our storage room as they weren’t able to find someone to install it. After sharing a how to install it video with Pastor Tu, he stated he thought he could install it for us. After installation we now have clear water coming from all our faucets and showers. Praise the Lord!


One of the adults from Tanh Linh who came to our VBS Camp was a lady named Chinh. As soon as she arrived she started helping the ladies in the kitchen. Chinh was in the group that first evening that asked Jesus into her heart. The next 3 days she was constantly asking questions about her new faith and the Bible. A week after VBS ended Mai called Chinh to see if she would like to come back to Binh Chau for some discipleship training, which she gladly agreed to. Chinh spent a week with us and seemed to absorb everything she was taught. It seems to us Chinh has a thirst and hunger to learn His Word. While she was here, Chinh attended Sunday Worship and was baptized by Pastor Tu.

Our desire is to continue to bring Chinh back to Binh Chau for a few days each month for additional training to equip her to share with other families in Tanh Linh what she has learned. As a local, Chinh could share Jesus as God gives her opportunities to without drawing the attention of local authorities as our witnessing teams do when they visit Tanh Linh.


We have exhausted our supply of Bibles after this VBS. Please pray God will provide the funding for us to purchase up to 100 new Bibles (which are only printed once a year here in Vietnam.) If God puts it in your heart to help us purchase these Bibles, please donate online through our website jesusinvietnam.com. or mail your check to our home address.


Please pray God’s protection on the 21 children and adults who received Jesus at our VBS Camp from persecution from non-Christian family members and friends. Please pray God will, not only give them the strength/courage to stand firm in their new faith in Him, but to be a strong witness of His love, mercy, and grace through His Son.

We have been praying for the last year and a half for God to raise up a person in Tanh Linh that would have a heart to learn His Word, share it with others, and eventually open up their home for Bible studies to be held. Please pray God will give us wisdom and discernment if Chinh is that person He has chosen. Please pray Chinh will continue to have a heart to learn God’s Word. Please pray God will give her a deep spiritual understanding of His Word and the desire to tell others about Him.

Please pray God will draw the children from Binh Chau and Suoi Bang who accepted Jesus to attend Children’s Church each Saturday so they might grow in their walk with the Lord.

Please keep Mr. Ba Phuoc in your prayers as he had a recent relapse and had to be admitted in the hospital in Ba Ria (about 45 minutes from Binh Chau).

We have several other people in the Binh Chau church struggling with health issues. Please pray for healing for Nga, Lan, Hue, Lam, and Luom.

Please pray for Divine appointments for our witnessing teams that go out each week. The adults go out every Thursday afternoon and the children every Sunday.

We have met with our contractor and reviewed our plans to build a second orphanage/love house. We are now waiting to receive his bid. Please pray God will give us favor with him and he will give us a fair and accurate bid.

Please pray God will open the door for us to publish Mai’s Eternal Way Gospel message. Mai has been working with Pastor Tu in editing it to get it ready for publication.

We thank God for the clear water the newly installed water filter system is producing. On further research, we now need to purchase an additional set of filters to couple with our existing one to produce clean drinking water now. Please pray God will lead us to a supplier here in Vietnam.

About This Site

Jesus in Vietnam Ministries, is a compassion ministry founded by Dennis and Mai Spencer. Vietnamese families suffer from deprivation, lacking sometimes even the necessities of life. In obedience to the many Scriptural commands to help the poor they are enabling families to survive in difficult circumstances. When shown mercy these families are very receptive to the Gospel. The Spencer’s also focus on children, who are the future church of Jesus Christ in Vietnam. Watch The Video About Jesus In Vietnam Ministries Here


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