November 2018 Newsletter

by Dennis & Mai Spencer | December 19th, 2018


All of us here at the Binh Chau Church, especially the children living in our Children of Promise orphanage/love house (picture above) wish each of you a very Merry CHRISTmas! After Thanksgiving we had to travel to Saigon to go through a process to extend our visas to stay in Vietnam up to another 6 months. While we were away, Kim and the kids in our orphanage/love house surprised us by decorating the church for Christmas. They really did an outstanding job and the church looks beautiful. All ready for our Christmas Evangelistic Outreaches for this year. We will be hosting 2 Christmas Outreaches again this year (children on December 22nd and families on December 24th). Please join us in praying God will fill the church to overflowing for both Christmas Outreaches and to bring many to saving faith in Jesus. We are in need of around $1500 to fund our Christmas Evangelistic Outreaches. If God puts it in your heart to help fund these outreaches, you may donate online at or send a check to 8821 N. Silver Moon Way, Tucson, AZ 85743. We are thankful for any amount.


We shared in our last newsletter the need to have a new well dug on the church property. We asked for prayer and for God’s provision for a new well. Praise God as we received the funding for the new well in a few days and contracted to have the well done (picture above). However, after the new well was completed we still experienced some water supply issues. After much investigation, it was determined the water pipes laid years ago for the church, kitchen, and pastor’s house were too small to accommodate the new water pump (they gave us a more detailed report, but that’s basically what we got out of it). Much of these pipes are under cement floors, so it would be very expensive to remove/replace them. We were told the best and cheapest solution would be to use the newly dug well for only our orphanage/love house water tanks and dig a new well for the kitchen, church, and pastor’s house water tanks. While we were praying about what to do and about the needed funds, we received an email concerning a generous gift to our ministry, which was exactly what was needed to drill a 2nd well. God not only answers prayers, but He does it in ways that shows He is sovereign and involved in our lives/ministries. What an Awesome God we serve! We praise Him and thank Him for your faithful prayers and financial support for His work here in Vietnam. To God be the glory!


About 2 months ago a car wash for large trucks and buses opened one house away from the church. Unfortunately, the owner did not put any drainage system in for the water and it just runs down the street towards the church. Since the front of our church is a lower elevation than the street, the water deposits right in front of the church (picture above). The standing water, not only creates a muddy mess and poor appearance in front of the church, but makes a great breeding grounds for mosquitoes (like we need more mosquitoes in Vietnam). Kim has talked to the owner of the car wash, but he doesn’t seem at all concerned to remedy the problem. In order to alleviate the problem, we will have to raise the ground level in front of the church and pour a cement driveway higher than the road. This will cause the water to continue down the path of the road instead of depositing in front of the church. We have already received a very generous donation to cover a large portion of the cost to do this, but we are still in need of around $1,200. If God puts it your heart to help with this need, please donate thru our website ( or mail a check to our address stated above. As with the wells, we so appreciate any donation to help fund these unexpected expenses. Please let us know if you mail a check & the amount so we might let everyone know when the needs for the Christmas Outreaches and driveway are met.


Tropical storm Usagi hit the last week of November close to Vung Tau, which is about 30 miles from Binh Chau. We praise God, that despite very heavy rains and wind in Binh Chau, no one was injured. We had several people take shelter at the church while the storm went by. Our only damage was one of our mango trees being toppled (picture above).


Please pray God will provide a pastor for the Binh Chau Church and give us wisdom/ discernment/clarity to know the man He has chosen to serve here.

Please pray God will direct each church member to the people He wants them to invite to our Christmas Outreaches.

Please pray for God’s protection on the church as Satan continues his attacks to disrupt God’s work here in Vietnam.

Please pray for God to give us continued strength/health as we have extended our time to serve Him here until 1/29/19.

“How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you.” 1 Thessalonians 3:9

About This Site

Jesus in Vietnam Ministries, is a compassion ministry founded by Dennis and Mai Spencer. Vietnamese families suffer from deprivation, lacking sometimes even the necessities of life. In obedience to the many Scriptural commands to help the poor they are enabling families to survive in difficult circumstances. When shown mercy these families are very receptive to the Gospel. The Spencer’s also focus on children, who are the future church of Jesus Christ in Vietnam. Watch The Video About Jesus In Vietnam Ministries Here


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