August 2016 Newsletter

by Dennis & Mai Spencer | September 2nd, 2016

One of our long standing prayers has been for God to raise up people in the Binh Chau Church to serve as leaders. Recently God has answered that prayer by touching the hearts of Mr. Ba Phuoc, Tam, and Mrs. Nhung to serve in leadership roles in the church. The picture above shows Pastor Nhan as he installs Mr. Ba Phuoc and Tam as the first Ruling Elders in the Binh Chau Church and Mrs. Nhung as the first Women’s Ministry Director of the church. All 3 have been members of the church for many years and we have seen God at work in their lives as they have matured in their walk with the Lord. Each has served on the Witnessing/Visiting Teams that go out each week for several years. Plus, Tam serves as our church facilities manager. We are excited to see how God will use each of His servants to help further His kingdom. Please pray for Godly wisdom for Mr. Ba Phuoc, Tam, and Mrs. Nhung as they take on these new responsibilities within the church.

“And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way bearing fruit in every good work…..” Colossians 1:10

Several years ago God opened the door for us the share the Gospel with a couple in Tan Thang (about 20 miles from Binh Chau) and they accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Then 8-10 of their children/grandchildren began attending Children’s Church, even sleeping at the church on Saturday night to attend Sunday Worship also. The oldest daughter, Trang, has matured in her walk with the Lord and is now one of our youth leaders. However, some of the younger Tan Thang children (ages 11-13) still struggle in the area of obedience and paying attention to their teachers. A lot of this is a product of their environment where they have little supervision during the week (both parents working) and all their friends are non-believers. God put it in Mai’s heart what these children needed was an extra dose of “Jesus’ love”. The last 3 Saturdays we have picked up these children (by van) earlier so they could be at the church by 2 pm. We then have an hour with them before the other children start coming for Children’s Church. We have snacks and cold drinks (prepared for them by the kids staying at the orphanage/love house) with them and casual conversation. Then from 3pm to 4pm we have a time of prayer, Bible study, and Scripture memorization (picture above). The kids have really responded to this “special attention”. In fact, they have brought 5 other kids from Tan Thang with them to church these last 2 weeks. Cam On Chua!

Last year we met Pastor Binh and his wife, Lan, when they attended our VBS. Pastor Binh has a church in another town about an hour and a half from Binh Chau. When first arriving at the Binh Chau Church, he commented he was amazed that we were able to put up a cross and a sign on our church. He said he has pastored his church for close to 20 years and still can’t put up a cross or sign. We shared all the amazing things God had done to enable us to put up a cross and sign. The beginning of this month we went to visit Pastor Binh and Lan at their church and the subject of no cross and sign for his church came up again. We encouraged him to petition Caesar again and keep praying for God to intervene/give them favor. Pastor Binh asked Mai to pray for him right then, which she did. Two weeks later Pastor Binh called all excited and praising the Lord. He had just received permission from Caesar to put up a cross and a sign! We recently visited Pastor Binh and Lan and took a picture (above) of the new cross on his church. The sign is on order and should go up soon. God is so faithful to His Word!
“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4

Despite all the rain we have had this month, the new classrooms are going up pretty fast (above). They should be all completed in the next 2-3 weeks.

Please pray God will use this new program for the Tan Thang children to grow them closer to Him and bring more children to faith in Jesus.

Please pray for God’s protection on our house church at Mr./Mrs. Ba Quang’s house in Binh Thang (formerly Suoi Bang) and God will draw many to Him through this outreach.

Please pray for the 30 people signed up for our new Bible study series that they will understand more deeply the love, grace, & mercy of their Father/instill in them a desire to tell others about Jesus.

Please pray for the newborn baby we might receive this week in the orphanage/love house if it’s God’s will.

This last month we had 3 Vietnamese from other towns visit the church, and seeing God at work in our orphanage/love house, they gave a total of $500 US to help with the expenses for the children. We were so encouraged by these local gifts in response to their seeing God’s hand is on His Binh Chau Church and orphanage/love house.

“How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you.” 1 Thessalonians 3:9

About This Site

Jesus in Vietnam Ministries, is a compassion ministry founded by Dennis and Mai Spencer. Vietnamese families suffer from deprivation, lacking sometimes even the necessities of life. In obedience to the many Scriptural commands to help the poor they are enabling families to survive in difficult circumstances. When shown mercy these families are very receptive to the Gospel. The Spencer’s also focus on children, who are the future church of Jesus Christ in Vietnam. Watch The Video About Jesus In Vietnam Ministries Here


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