January 2014 Newsletter

by Dennis & Mai Spencer | January 30th, 2014


We praise our Heavenly Father for, not only giving us the greatest gift of all in His Son Jesus, but also for blessing us with our biggest and best Christmas Evangelistic Outreach yet in the Binh Chau Church. God answered our prayers and brought 300 people (picture above) to the Christmas Outreach on Christmas Eve. The church was packed with many people standing outside listening/watching through doors/windows as the choirs sang, the youth performed the Christmas Story, and Eldan Nhan preached the true meaning of the Christmas season. We were able to view the entire 2 hours live via Skype and can tell you the choirs sang beautifully, the youth were wonderful in their presentation of the birth of Christ, and God used Elder Nhan’s Christmas message and the entire Christmas Outreach to expand His kingdom. The faces of those who participated were filled with joy, the audience blessed, and most of all, God was glorified in everything.
“I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever.” Psalm 86:12


We say Cam On Chua (Thank You Lord) for every person from the Binh Chau Church who served in the Christmas Outreach. From the people who greeted, the ushers who sat people, to the choirs, to the youth performers, to those cooking and serving 300 meals (picture above), to the Binh Chau leadership, the love of Jesus was shown to all the non-believers who attended. We received many comments on how well everything was organized and how joyful everyone was. One government person (of the 9 that attended) even stated that next year we need to hold the event outside so more people could attend!


The highlight of the evening came when Elder Nhan gave an altar call after presenting the Christmas message. We rejoiced as first a couple of children came forward, then some more children and adults, and then even more. In all a total of 29 adults/children stepped forward and asked Jesus to come into their heart as their personal Lord and Savior. Elder Nhan and Elder Tu led them in prayer (picture above).

We thank God for bringing those precious souls to the Christmas Outreach and giving them understanding and belief in His Son Jesus. God can do all things by Himself, but we are so grateful that He allows all of us to be a small part of His work in Binh Chau. What an AWESOME God we serve!

We thank God for raising up so many of you to help us share the love of Jesus with His precious children (young and old) in Binh Chau, Suoi Bang, and Tan Thang through this Christmas Outreach. We thank each of you for your prayers and financial support that made this joyous event possible. If God didn’t touch so many hearts for His children in Binh Chau, none of this would be possible. We are so grateful and humbled that God is using all of us to make an impact for Jesus in so many lives in Binh Chau, Suoi Bang, and Tan Thang.


We were able to give Christmas gifts to 140 children from the Binh Chau Church (picture above) and another 60 to non-believing children who attended the Christmas Outreach. We praise God for giving us favor with the government to be able to give these gifts to the non-believing children in the church at the end of the outreach (first time we were able to do this in church).

Your gifts also enabled us to give out 14 Christmas mercy boxes to needy families, provide a fellowship meal for 300 people, purchase Gospel tracts to be given out at the outreach, and give a small gift to each of the 12 people on the Binh Chau Church Leadership Team. May God bless you abundantly for all you do to further His kingdom in Vietnam all for His glory.

Please pray with us that God will work out all the details, including the funds needed, so we can begin construction in 2014 of the new building for additional classrooms and to meet the needs of the many hurting children in Binh Chau who have no family or their family do not have the means to care for them.

Please pray God will provide the funds to purchase a van for the Binh Chau Church to safely transport children to and from the church and also pick up people from Suoi Bang and Tan Thang for Sunday Worship. Bible Study and Prayer Night.

Please pray that the blood of Jesus would form a hedge of protection around the 29 people that prayed to receive Jesus and keep them safe from persecution by family and friends.

We praise God for answering our prayers for 300 people to attend the Christmas Outreach and the 29 people that asked Jesus into their heart. We praise God for touching the heart of one of the members of the Binh Chau Church to pay to rent a bus to pick up 30 people from Suoi Bang to attend the Christmas Outreach. We praise God that we were able to rent a van to bring 16 people from Tan Thang to the Christmas Outreach.

About This Site

Jesus in Vietnam Ministries, is a compassion ministry founded by Dennis and Mai Spencer. Vietnamese families suffer from deprivation, lacking sometimes even the necessities of life. In obedience to the many Scriptural commands to help the poor they are enabling families to survive in difficult circumstances. When shown mercy these families are very receptive to the Gospel. The Spencer’s also focus on children, who are the future church of Jesus Christ in Vietnam. Watch The Video About Jesus In Vietnam Ministries Here


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