August 2013 Newsletter

by Dennis & Mai Spencer | August 12th, 2013



We have been praying for God to open the door for His church to be planted in Tan Thang for about 3 years now. Thao and Hang offered their house, but we couldn’t move forward because they would not take an idol altar down in their yard (even though they didn’t worship it) for fear of persecution by their neighbors. Thao was willing, but his wife, Hang, was not. God gave Mai favor in explaining to Hang last month that this idol was hindering His work in going forth in Tan Thang and she agreed with her husband to take it down. Less than 48 hours after the idols came down a series of events took place that only God could have orchestrated. It started with 20-30 officials surrounding Thao’s house (responding to a complaint from a neighbor) while Elder Tu was conducting a discipleship class (picture above). God gave Elder Tu peace and favor with the officials. That episode led to a meeting a few days later with Elder Tu and Elder Nhan with some officials in Tan Thang where they were told they needed to petition to meet in Tan Thang to be compliant with their laws. When they turned their petitions into Tan Thang, they were told they now needed to petition at the province level. This is where God showed His sovereignty and power, not to mention His love and mercy for His church. Elder Nhan and Elder Tu traveled to Binh Thuan (about an hours drive by motorcycle) to submit the requested petitions. They met with the Prime Minister of Binh Thuan (we would call him the mayor), the Head of Religious Matters at the Province level, and the Head of Religious Matters for Tan Thang. The officials were very cordial and friendly towards Elder Nhan and Elder Tu. They looked over our petitions and stated we don’t have a form for permission to visit/pray (as we had submitted), but we do have one TO GATHER AS A CHURCH! Why don’t you submit for that and we will help you and approve it. CAM ON CHUA (Thank You Lord)!! Then the 3 officials took Elder Nhan and Elder Tu to lunch and fought over who was to pay the bill. Elder Nhan and Elder Tu both told us in all their dealings with officials as Christians they have never been treated like this. Only God could change these official’s hearts and give us such favor with them. God has now opened the door for us to plant a house church in Thao/Hang’s house with the officials blessing. Only He could arrange such a dramatic chain of events ALL FOR HIS GLORY.



We were blessed to be a part of the first AWANA training held in Vietnam. We sent Kim and Minh Anh to the training and God has given Minh Anh the heart to implement the AWANA club at our church here. Please pray that God will grant Minh Anh Godly wisdom and God will raise up the 16 volunteers needed to run the program.



Luom, one of the ladies in church who can’t read or write, but memorizes scripture read to her, has been on fire for the Lord. She has been going out on EE calls praying for a Divine appointment. The picture above shows Luom with the lady she recently helped lead to Christ.



We had this precious family accept Jesus about 3 months ago and God has truly given them a hunger for His Word. They have such humble hearts and are eager to serve wherever needed. Thao has a gift of singing/playing the guitar and writing Christian songs. This family is also very poor. Thao can’t work because of health issues and Mai cooks sweet rice to sell at the market. Only problem is she cooks inside their house and the walls, ceilings, and floors are charcoal black from all the smoke (picture above). Please pray that God will provide the funds needed to do some repairs to remove this smoke from their house.

Please pray that the officials will follow through and approve us meeting at Thao-Hang’s house in Tan Thang.
Please pray that God gives us favor with the officials to construct another building to serve the needs of the children(Orp…) here and He would provide the funds to build it.
Please pray for the safety of each child being picked up each week and that God would provide the funds for a van to be purchased.

Kim has registered 62 kids for school with only a few left to enroll. We thank each of you who have sponsored a child to be able to go to school. Thank you for making such an impact in their lives by showing them the love of Jesus. These kids are so thankful for you and pray for you also.
Recently a friend of Mr. Ba Quang’s for the last 50 years came to Sunday Worship to see what our church was up to. This man, a stated Viet Cong during and after the war, had seen such a dramatic (and wonderful) change in Mr. Ba Quang that he wanted to know the reason why. He told us that our church was doing great things in people’s lives. Please pray that God will open the door for this man to hear and understand the saving grace of the Gospel.

About This Site

Jesus in Vietnam Ministries, is a compassion ministry founded by Dennis and Mai Spencer. Vietnamese families suffer from deprivation, lacking sometimes even the necessities of life. In obedience to the many Scriptural commands to help the poor they are enabling families to survive in difficult circumstances. When shown mercy these families are very receptive to the Gospel. The Spencer’s also focus on children, who are the future church of Jesus Christ in Vietnam. Watch The Video About Jesus In Vietnam Ministries Here


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